Morning shed — новый тренд в TikTok, который подхватили девушки по всему миру. Разбираемся, в чем его суть.
Суть Morning shed — показать, как ты снимаешь все, что было нанесено на ночь для ухода за собой: патчи, тейпы для подтяжки лица, бигуди, увлажняющие маски и другие бьюти-продукты. Девушки шутят, что чем «страшнее» ты ложишься спать, тем лучше выглядишь утром, ведь это все работает на твой внешний вид, пока ты отдыхаешь.
@pinknews What is the morning shed trend on TikTok? And why are experts not sold on it? Essentially, the morning shed trend shows people removing all the elements from their intensive overnight beauty routines, which involves processes like coating your face in a sheet mask, taping your mouth shut, bonding your jaws, and wrapping your stomach in castor oil packs. Participants of this trend claim that this prevents signs of ageing, gives you a snatched jawline and body, and glass skin. The movement already has over 70M views on TikTok. So what does the routine consist of, and does it actually work? Castor oil packing is one of the latest obsessions in the holistic wellness world, and the practice is claimed to detox the liver, or help with slimming. But experts disagree. According to an article by Cleveland Clinic, “There is absolutely no scientific proof that these practices have any benefits whatsoever,” “There’s just no catchall remedy that can ‘detox’ your body.” Applying castor oil to the skin can also cause rashes, skin irritation and other allergic reactions. Other parts of the trend involve more harmless elements like wearing silk bonnets and sleeping masks (which can be beneficial), or heatless curls. The more controversial element used involves mouth tape. It is believed to help with sleep quality and snoring, sleep apnea and allergies. Others claim it gives you a sharper jawline, which has been debunked by a few experts. While breathing through your nose has many reported benefits, some professionals suggest that studies on the known benefits of mouth tape have been inconclusive so far. Other experts report that it can cause skin irritation and limit oxygen flow. So far, studies show little evidence of chin and jaw straps working over a short period of time. Last but not least, covering your face in a sheet mask overnight is also part of this routine. While there is evidence of different sheet masks working for different skin types, they can also irritate your skin. There is no need to keep it on for a prolonged period of time, and in fact that can cause damage as many are recommended to be only worn for 10-20 mins - especially if you are overexposing your skin to ingredients such as retinol. Sleep discomfort aside, it is important to recognize the emotional impact that the trend can have, and its reminder of the internet's constant pursuit for beauty and unattainable perfection. There is nothing wrong with participating in beauty trends, but it is crucial to make sure it doesn't come as a detriment to your physical and mental health. #morningshed #beauty #trend #tiktoktrend #skincare ♬ original sound - PinkNews 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️
Но, конечно, ко всему нужно подходить с умом. Некоторые бьюти-лайфхаки, которые демонстрируют девушки, совершенно бесполезны, а иногда даже вредны. Например, несмотря на многочисленные преимущества дыхания через нос, заклеивание рта на ночь — опасный тренд.
Фото: Unsplash.